On January 5, Goa Shipyard Ltd (GSL) celebrated a significant achievement by launching two Fast Patrol Vessels (FPVs) for the Indian Coast Guard. Named Amulya and Akshay, these vessels mark another step forward in India’s quest for self-reliance in defence manufacturing under the ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ vision. The launch ceremony was graced by Defence Production Secretary Sanjeev Kumar, who lauded the shipyard’s innovative contributions.
1. Advanced Design Tailored for Coast Guard Operations
The FPVs, designed and constructed entirely by GSL, are highly advanced platforms customized to meet the Coast Guard's operational demands. Measuring 52 meters in length and 8 meters in breadth, with a displacement of 320 tonnes, these vessels are versatile assets. They are specifically engineered for a wide range of maritime roles, including coastal surveillance, protection of offshore installations, and safeguarding India’s island territories.
2. A Testimony to Atmanirbhar Bharat
During the launch event, Defence Production Secretary Sanjeev Kumar commended the collaboration between GSL and Indian industry, emphasizing the high level of indigenous content in the vessels. “The unveiling of Amulya and Akshay showcases the determination and innovation of GSL. These ships are a shining example of India’s commitment to achieving self-sufficiency in defence production,” he stated.
3. Enhanced Maritime Capabilities
According to a statement from GSL, these FPVs boast state-of-the-art capabilities, reinforcing their importance in securing India's maritime boundaries. The shipyard reaffirmed its dedication to providing cutting-edge solutions for the nation’s coastal defence needs, highlighting its growing expertise in designing and constructing advanced vessels for maritime security.
4. Continued Progress in Strengthening the Coast Guard
This launch follows the successful unveiling of two other FPVs from the same series in October 2024. The steady development and delivery of these vessels demonstrate GSL’s commitment to enhancing the Coast Guard’s operational readiness. By constructing these modern platforms indigenously, India continues to fortify its maritime defences and assert its shipbuilding prowess.
5. A Vision for a Secure Future
The launch of Amulya and Akshay underscores India’s strategic focus on indigenous defence manufacturing. With their sophisticated designs and advanced capabilities, these vessels will play a vital role in safeguarding the nation's coastal assets and ensuring maritime security. GSL’s efforts symbolize India’s progress in achieving self-reliance and strengthening its defence infrastructure.